Descarga Protocols for Macroalgae Research de Bénédicte Charrier,Thomas Wichard,C R K Reddy Libro PDF

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Críticas 'This book is an impressive picture of the tremendous evolution of phycology during the ten past years. Each PhD student and postdoctoral researcher should have it in its laboratory; he will find in it the basic most recent protocols ready to use for his study, and the matter for imaginative, limitless experiments.'?Bruno de Reviers, Muséum National d’histoire Naturelle, Paris, France 'There have been prior textbooks on methods in phycology, but this book brings techniques up to date. The book seeks to aid the reader to actually be able to replicate research protocols. An array of subject matter experts has been accumulated to produce 31chapters. The book is logically laid out with the reader in mind, explains techniques, and provides best-practice advice on how to carry out protocols successfully.'?Alan T Critchley, Cape Breton University, Nova Scotia, Canada 'This book is a well written and informative guide to methods for macroalgal (seaweed) culture and analysis. It is notable for the broad coverage of macroalgal biology, from culture approaches, through methods for compositional analysis to the newer molecular approaches of metabolomics and transcriptomics. It will certainly prove to be a useful resource for those involved in macroalgal culture and biotechnology.'?John Beardall, Monash University, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 'The book covers a wide range of topics: From large-scale macroalgal cultivation to the biochemical and molecular characterization. I can see that each of the individual chapters has been written by leading experts in the respective field. I am very happy about the approach to present theoretical background first and then provide step-by-step protocols to help implementing methods in lab routines This book represents a significant enrichment to the lab work of each phycology scholar. My PhD students will be very happy with it!'?Kai Bischof, University of Bremen, Germany 'A well-balanced selection of topics covering all main subjects relating to 21th century phycology (genetics – development – aquaculture). This is what makes this book quite unique and given the interest in seaweed for aquaculture in the western part of the world, I think this book will be warmly received.'?Olivier De Clerck, Ghent University, Belgium 'A really useful new addition to the literature on algae and their uses, with detailed methods for the study of these organisms, which have considerable potential in the blue economy. Thirty-one chapters in three sections (cultivating and preserving seaweeds: chemical composition; cellular and molecular characterization), by experts in their fields. Research oriented, with detailed explanations on how new techniques can be applied to the burgeoning new industries based on algal materials. Covers a wide variety of detailed methods, from culture (from commercial aquaculture to bacteria-free algal studies); through chemical constituents and health aspects, molecular techniques (including cloning and transformation); as well as detailed modern microscopic techniques on macroalgae and their related bacterial flora.'?John J Bolton, University of Cape Town, South Africa 'A timely, well produced book containing state of the art information on a range of methodologies relevant to seaweed scientists. It fills a large gap in the available literature and will be an essential resource for both budding and experienced macroalgal researchers.'?Catriona Hurd, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia Reseña del editor This book presents a wide range of tested and proven protocols relevant to a number of fields within biotechnology used in laboratory experiments in everyday phycological (seaweed) research. Biografía del autor Dr. Bénédicte Charrier is a senior scientist from CNRS working at Station Biologique Roscoff, France. She is a specialist of macroalgae morphogenesis and development, with an expertise on the filmentous alga Ectocarpus siliculosus. She is currently the Chair of the European network 'Phycomorph', supported by the Cooperation in Science & Technology (COST) Association (2015-2019), which aims to coordinate research in growth, reproduction, and morphogenesis of macroalgae in Europe and in association with Asian and North American laboratories.

Dr. Thomas Wichard is a research group leader at the Institute for Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena. The main focus of his research group is to elucidate the mutualistic interactions between bacteria and the marine macroalga Ulva ('cross-kingdom-cross-talk'). The group applies various methodologies in analytical chemistry, chemical ecology and molecular biology to understand the basis of eco-physiological processes.

Dr. CRK Reddy is a Chief Scientist in Seaweed Biology and Biotechnology Cultivation at CSIR-Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute in Bhavnagar, India. He is an expert in marine macroalgae, making significant contributions to macroalgae tissue culture and protoplast techniques including genetic improvement of seaweeds, seaweed biomass for chemicals and biofuels, seaweed biodiversity, and seaweed biology and cultivation.

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